Who are the Partners of BDC?
BCP Council and Muse Places Limited, a Morgan Sindall Group company.
Does BDC have a business plan?
Yes, BDC has a rolling 5-year Partnership Business Plan (PBP) which is reviewed every year following the annual strategy day. The PBP follows a set format and sets out the Partnership Structure, Development Programme, relevant planning policy and financial matters. A high-level development programme is set out at Appendix A.
The most recent PBP can be found by following the link here.
(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Cabinet, 23/06/2021 10:00 (bcpcouncil.gov.uk)
Does the Council have a say in what BDC does?
Yes the Council has a major role in shaping the activities of BDC. This starts with an annual strategy review where the development pipeline is agreed, following which The Council will formally approve the PBP. At specific project level, the Development Manager will propose a Site Development Plan which needs to be approved by the BDC Board members, including those representing the Council. The SDP will then be considered by Senior Council Officers before being presented to Council Cabinet for adoption. If Council Cabinet do not adopt the SDP then the project is referred back to the BDC Board for review and a revised SDP is submitted.
You can find a copy of Council decisions relating to BDC projects on the relevant development sites here:
Is BDC subject to the Council’s overview and scrutiny?
Yes, the PBP and all SDP’s and any major decision requiring a Council approval are subject to review by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
What is the difference between BDC and BCP Future Places?
Both BDC and Future Places are both tasked with delivering investment and regeneration activity across the conurbation. Both have commitments to the communities where they work, creating beautiful places with a focus on quality, innovation and sustainability.
BDC was established in 2011 and its activities are centred on Bournemouth Town Centre. BDC is highly incentivised to deliver its programme of 16 projects itself.
Future Places was established in 2021 and has a wider remit across the conurbation and whilst it may deliver some projects itself, it will also procure third parties to partner on the delivery of projects.