Bournemouth Development Company will maximise the town’s economic potential, kick-starting wider regeneration and enhancing Bournemouth as a place to live, work, visit and shop. The company aims to create a greater balance between the daytime and evening offer, driving demand for new homes and jobs and improving the appearance and connectivity of spaces through landscaping, signage and infrastructure projects.
Design and standards
Innovation and excellence in design and sustainability will characterise all projects delivered by Bournemouth Development Company. We aim to establish distinct identities for key parts of the town and to deliver inclusive, diverse, safe and high quality public spaces which, through exemplar urban design, provide a sense of arrival. All development will celebrate and enhance the town’s historic architectural style.
We’re engaging closely with residents, stakeholders and businesses to ensure projects reflect local priorities. Sites will come forward for development within a phased timescale, and, whether it’s commercial, residential or leisure, will respond quickly and positively to emerging market demand.
By capturing profit through development rather than pure land transfer, Bournemouth Development Company will work to deliver an appropriate financial return to its partners. The Council intends to use its share of that profit to bring public space and infrastructure improvements.
Sustainable communities
BDC aims to help create truly sustainable communities that will thrive over the long-term. Placemaking creates sustainable communities that have a strong sense of wellbeing, thriving businesses, jobs fit for the future, safe and secure homes, and merges seamlessly with the town’s sustainable transport. Such sustainable communities are good for Bournemouth, good for its neighbours and residents, and good for the environment.